Go Deeper

Action Learning Labs PaperWisdom_files/actionlearninglabs.pdf

Helping leaders to learn ways to access the wisdom dormant in their communities is a core part of our work. Our clients tell us that the complexity of the decision facing them is increasing. Market disruptions, downsizing, mergers,  new technology, investment decisions are forces creating great pressure on business leaders. In communities racism, sexism, the growing economic disparity of  increasing poverty and increasing wealth, religious differences, violence are the forces creating great pressure on our social/political/religious leaders. The increasing complexity of decisions demand wisdom. It beyond any one person’s knowledge or insight.

The traditional model of warrior leadership with its emphasis on wisdom generating from the leader is wholly inadequate to address the challenges of businesses and communities. Over the last 200 years we have made great strides in evolving our approach to decision making. Democracy is. Even democracy, one of our greatest social innovations, is pressured and primarily focused on elections not dialogue and problem solving.Today, the dialogues needed are blocked by the  bi-partnership expressed by our elected political leaders. All we can see in their behavior is fragmentation and polarization. This moves us away from accessing wisdom.

The leadership legacy in our businesses is one of warrior leadership. Democracy has made very little head way and as pressure increases daily the opportunities for true dialogue diminish.  This also moves us away from accessing wisdom.

At Shared Leadership our focus is helping you use the wisdom of teams as core part of your leadership. Dialoguing and listening together is a forgotten art. This art is/was practiced by many of our native peoples around the world. “Councils of Grandmothers” found in many indigenous cultures were consulted before making major decisions effecting the community. 

Shared Leadership uses a state of the art process to work with teams of people to dialogue about and sense new possibilities. Action Learning Labs developed by our partner Mitch Saunders offers a new method of understanding and creating change for organizations, and individuals. It explores impulses for change and growth appropriate for your specific situation. We facilitate change using action learning, experimentation, and practice to develop sustainable responses to tough questions and high stakes transitions.


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